Monday, March 26, 2007


let the world know: nancy is growing up. sure it may be long over due, sure it may be about time, and sure i've been 25 for months on end but these things cannot be rushed. today, my maturity was illustrated to me through a series of events that transpired shortly before dinner. refusing to eat what the rest of the family was eating, i prepared my own meal of chicken fingers. feeling a bit groggy due to my pain medication, i mistakenly grabbed a oven mitt that had another, less protective oven mitt attached to it. just to be clear, it was two oven mitts tenuously attached. as i put the chicken fingers back in the oven one of the mitts fell and caught on fire. i immediately screamed, "MOM, FIRE! FIRE!" now, college nancy would have watched the fire and continued to scream, waiting for something magically to happen to take care of things. like when the toilet flooded and my roommate and i climbed onto the sink, watching it flood, saying "FLOOD! FLOOD!" to the empty apartment. but today, today was different. today, after screaming, i reached into the oven, grabbed the burning mitt, put it in the sink and ran water over it. all before my mom even got there. i was like a real adult dealing maturely with a crisis. i may have started that fire, but dammit i put it out too in a calm and orderly fashion. progress indeed.

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