Monday, February 5, 2007

oh george

despite peeing on him every single time, dad continues to place the guinea pig between his knees then cover her with two blankets. warning dad makes no difference; he believes she loves it and does not really believe she has peed on him. and IF she has, it was clearly because she couldn't hold it anymore - not because she was scared. today was day 3 but my first day with this particular situation. it went a little something like this: after roxie pees, i proceed to go into dad's room and retrieve a new pair of underwear, pants, a wet washcloth, and dry towel so he can take care of the situation. we develop a plan in which he will be fully covered but i will help him. after he has removed his soiled clothing, he covers himself with a towel and hollers for me to come help. he has put the wet washcloth on the new clothes, soaking them. i go back into his bedroom while he yells at me that he will be just fine in wet clothes, thank you very much. i come out with the new clothes and put them around his ankles then leave. at this point chopin has joined the parade and has sat on the bottom of dad's pants, not allowing him to pull them up fully and causing him to lose his balance and fall back on the bed. his sudden movement frightens the dog who starts barking frantically. dad is saying ouch ouch ouch ouch over and over again. i continue to hide in the other room, far away from the family jewels which are presumably still exposed. oh george.

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