Wednesday, January 24, 2007

the subject grows tiresome

i wasn't going to talk about either animal today since it is getting old. however, since i have turned a little obsessive about figuring out what the guinea pig means when it makes noise, i discovered this site:
i really can't explain how hilarious is it, between its genuine earnestness and commitment to understanding the 'pigs'.

moving on. when i was in kindergarten my teacher (mr. alison) gave each of us a baby pine tree. i remember it; it was so small. since my parents are awesome they planted it in the front yard and even moved it once it started getting big so it could continue to grow. and the best part is it's still there in the front yard. our mailman leaves weekly notes since it obstructs the mailbox. it's really nice to walk outside and see something that's grown for over 20 years that you can call your tree. i've got a beautiful life.

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